Santiago, de Chile is located between the Andes and the Pacific which makes it a paradise for those who love outdoor activities such as trekking, climbing, skiing, and sunbathing. Even those who don’t like exerting themselves can still have a blast by participating in wine tasting or just strolling around appreciating art or even just idling in one of the cafes. Here are a few particular reasons to come to Santiago, de Chile. Know more through the Santiago de Chile Travel Guide and Offline Map.

eTips Santiago de Chile Travel Guide with offline maps

Cultural Centers

Wandering the streets of Santiago is often enough to satisfy your hunger for good art. But even if you prefer not to stay exposed to the heat of the sun while appreciating art, you can still get your fill of good art through the numerous cultural centers scattered around the city. The most popular cultural center in the city is the one located underneath the Palacio de La Moneda where you can view a compact exhibit on the art and music of Violeta Parra, one of the country’s most beloved folk singers and artists. Other notable cultural centers include the ones at the Estacion Mapocho and Matucana 100.

Santiago de Chile travel guide for iPhone, iPad & AppleWatch

Parque Quinta Normal

The Quinta Normal Park is an urban park located at the Quinta district of Santiago. It offers luscious maze of greenery and over half a dozen museums, most notable of which are the Museo de la Memoria and the kid-friendly Museo de Historia National. It is the best place in the city to take an early morning jog or an afternoon stroll. You can also go on a relaxing paddle boat ride.

Brasil and Yungay

Near the city of Santiago are the neighboring barrios of Brasil and Yungay. Most of Santiago has already been modernized so if you want to have a look of what a traditional Chilean village looks like, the best way to do so is to take a short ride to the barrios of Brasil or Yungay. These two barrios are home to a plethora of imaginative graffiti murals and artistic benches.

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